Metal Dancer

Forged metal

10.25” X 9” X 14.25” 2021

A Box of Tissues

Sheet metal and paint

1:1 size to a box of tissues 2021

Balanced Flowers

Sheet metal

5.25” X 6” X 9” 2020


Carved wood and Rebar

42” X 20 “ X 27.5” 2020

Comfort Bird

Lost wax cast bronze

1.5” X 1.75” X 1.75” 2020

Flood and Grow

Scrap wood found after flood

10” X 19.75” X 13” 2019

Inside, Outside, Me

Plaster cast of the chest, Assortment of destroyed toys and items, clay

20” X 11.5” X 25” 2019

How do you define yourself? Is it the exterior we display for others, or is it our hobbies and interests and keepsakes that we have, or our head voice and thoughts? It is most likely a combination of all of them. The piece Inside, Outside, Me aims to display these different parts of one's self in the hope of the viewers’ questioning what makes up their identity.

Self Portrait

Carved found wood

4.5” X 5” X 12.5” 2018

What makes a self-portrait is it something that shows your exterior, or can it be something else entirely. For me, a self-portrait shows who you are, which means it can be the interior. This piece shows who I am by being wood found in my backyard in Santa Fe and, all of the carving techniques used, and the motivation to create art were taught to me by my grandfather.


Metal bed-side Table

Scrap metal

15.5” X 18.75” X 21” 2019

Metal Orchid

Sheet metal, round stock, and a flower pot with dirt

8” X 7" X 13” 2019